Thursday, January 29, 2009

dum dadi do

Remember when they made green ketchup? I couldn't handle that time in my life.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


So, this morning, I am running on time, which is fairly unusual since I'm always late, and it's raining a little bit. And instead of walking back upstairs to get my rain boots- because it's raining when I go outside- I just decide to stick it out since my flats match my outfit better.

I'm jogging up some steps-- for no particular reason since, again, I'm running on time-- AND I LOOSE MY SHOE. I mean, it doesn't go down into the sewer or anything, but it does come off and go down a few steps, and I stepped into a puddle. The guy behind me was all, "Uh-oh, you lost that." Because I hadn't noticed or anything when I said, "Ahhh, my shoe." Instead of being embarassed though, my first thought was "Man, this totally going in my blog."

Blogs are the place for pointless stories.

Monday, January 26, 2009

type. type. type.

Now that I have a blog, I feel like I should update it a lot with really significant posts.

The problem is that I don't have anything significant to say.

The keyboards in the computer lab at school are really loud. It's like I'm making the sound effects for a stampede in a Western.